Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Seven Year War British Grenadiers
My computer as been playing up something rotten just lately. I've had it eight years so its practically an antique in the technology world. This does mean I've got one or two photos to post, but I'm going to start with these British Grenadiers of the 23rd Foot, or at least that's what I think they are, as I've painted them for someone else. I must say I do like these Redoubt figures ( not least because of the price, £7 for six figures is a bargain. There is a lot of fiddly work to do on these grenadiers but they do look impressive once finished. Hope you like.

Sunday, 21 October 2012
Seven Years War
Finally finished these SYW figures for a very patient customer. These are the first of this period I've done but hopefully not the last if the customer is happy with them. Not sure of the make but they were nice crisp sculpts although the woodland Indian had a very prominent brow, and very deep sunken eye sockets. Obviously clicking on the pictures gives you a very close up image of the painted figure, which isn't the normal view you would have on the tabletop, so please bare this in mind. Hope you like.

Seven Years War
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Victorian Mob
I've not painted much over the last few weeks due to the sad loss of my father, who passed away on the 14th after a long battle with cancer. It goes without saying that I'll miss him tremendously. That's all I'm going to say about it now, as I don't wish to depress everybody. What I have managed to do are these three West Wind London mob figures from their vampire wars range. There are eight in the pack so five more to do, although I've got some Seven Years War figures to paint first with the potential for more to do if the customer is happy with them. Hope you like.

Wednesday, 5 September 2012
Dwarf standard bearer and musician
Last two, for now, that I picked up at the Stoke Challenge show. Again don't know much about their history, what year they're from etc. Currently working on some West Wind Victorian figures, the London mob pack to be exact.

Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Dwarf Engineers
A couple more figures acquired at the Stoke Challenge show. The first one is from Games Workshops Dwarf Grudge Thrower kit, the slayer engineer I have no idea again of year or anything else for that matter about the figure. I do know that its become a favourite of mine. Both are beautifully sculpted with some excellent detailing, especially on the slayer.

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